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Academy Primary School 194 Listooder Road Saintfield Ballynahinch

News - P1LM

2015/2016 School Year

17th Nov 2015
P1 have been learning about different celebrations. We have been dressing up and...
13th Nov 2015
It was a very windy day today. P1 had great fun experimenting with plastic bags in...
30th Sep 2015
We painted pictures of ourselves in our school uniform. Elmer helps us learn about...
23rd Sep 2015
Congratulations to 3 P1 pupils who achieved a full years attendance at Academy Nursery.
17th Sep 2015
P1 loved reading the story of 'Elmer'.  We have also been learning how...
16th Sep 2015
P1 have been building houses big enough to stand up in.
10th Sep 2015
P1 planted sunflowers in Nursery. We went back to see how tall they had grown.
7th Sep 2015
We are having lots of fun learning together. We always help to tidy up.