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Academy Primary School 194 Listooder Road Saintfield Ballynahinch


2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
Today we said an emotional goodbye to our nursery children. They have grown and...
22nd Jun 2023
The two P5 classes raised £450 for the school council with a bun sale. ...
22nd Jun 2023
We had great fun designing, building and displaying our time machines. We had to...
22nd Jun 2023
P1 had great fun on ‘Pirate Day’ today.. We had lots of pirate crafts...
6th Jun 2023
Take a look at our exciting pictures from Exploris!
6th Jun 2023
We visited Exploris in Portaferry. We saw lots of exciting sea creatures from Northern...
1st Jun 2023
The children in P5 have been practising their measuring skills by calculating the...