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Academy Primary School 194 Listooder Road Saintfield Ballynahinch

News - P1LM

2019/2020 School Year

6th Nov 2019
We did lots of exercise for Children in Need.
15th Oct 2019
P1 have been doing lots of activities to develop their fine motor skills.

2018/2019 School Year

5th Jun 2019
P1 took Assembly today for the whole school. They sang really well and told the...
21st May 2019
P1 loved their gold medals for super fitness skills.
10th May 2019
Thanks to Sam for a great puppet show assembly.
7th Mar 2019
As part of their 'People Who Help Us' topic, P1 travelled to Lisburn Fire Station...
5th Mar 2019
P1 learned all about why we have Pancake Day and how it is celebrated around the...
30th Jan 2019
P7 Digital Leaders were announced today in Assembly awarded their 'Academy Primary...
29th Jan 2019
P1 had a visit from David and Ross, two Fire fighters today. They learned a lot...