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Academy Primary School 194 Listooder Road Saintfield Ballynahinch


30th May 2024
P1 had a fantastic day at Streamvale farm today. 
28th May 2024
P1 had a lovely time meeting some newborn chicks that belonged to a member of our...
21st May 2024
P7 are learning how to cycle safely.
21st May 2024
P7 have been practising their  Mental Maths skills with Izak 9.
20th May 2024
We have been practising our coding skills using microbits. 
16th May 2024
This term we are concentrating on instructional writing. Today P3 enjoyed making...
15th May 2024
P5 enjoyed their outdoor maths trail today. 
13th May 2024
P1 have been enjoying the good weather and have been playing outside. We used lots...
9th May 2024
A fun filled day at Blair Drummond Safari Park.  Our final evening was spent...
9th May 2024
It has been the perfect weather this week for measuring capacity outside.The children...